Thursday 23 May 2013

Questions and Answers with Nash Tackles Mike Wilson

Questions and Answers with Nash Tackles Mike Wilson!
Absolute Peach of a Mirror.
How long have you been fishing for?
I think the first time I ever picked up a fishing rod I was about ten years old when I was just catching silvers with my Dad. I first properly got into carp fishing probably about 5 years ago.
What are your favoured rigs to use where ever you go, why?
I have favoured rigs in different situations obviously but I mainly find myself fishing weed/choddy lakes so I opt for the chod rig. This is mainly because I have so much confidence in it as most of the fish I have caught in the last couple of years have been on the chod including my personal best common of 38lb 8oz. 
Who are your biggest angling aspirations? 
I don’t really have any to be honest. But If I could choose to go fishing with an angling legend it would probably be Martin Bowler. 
Is there anything you believe makes fishing over complicated?
Other angler’s ha-ha 
What lake would you happily re-visit at any time of the year?
A little private lake in Essex called the Blue Lagoon. 
Another Lovely Looking Mirror For Sure!
What are your top 5 items of tackle that Nash just released? 
1.       Ball Maker
2.       Cybershot
3.       Glow bugs
4.       Gyro bug mix
5.       3 rod Connect 
If there was one fish you'd like to catch again which would it be and why?
I would love to catch a fish called V-scar at over 30lb. 
Are you primarily a carp angler or do you go for other species and if so which are they?
Mainly a carp angler (I don’t get time to fish for anything else) 
What is your favourite pattern of hook and on which rig do you prefer using it?
The Fang X on a KD rig. 
What is your favourite part of carp angling?
Hearing that buzzer tear off. 
When did you first start fishing and is there any story behind it?
I was going with my dad most Sundays after football just catching silvers and I started to see people catch these big fish which were described to me as carp and all I knew was I wanted to catch one and since then I have never looked back. 
When you get on the bank, do you prefer socials or being on the bank doing your own thing? Or both? 
Both. Entirely depends on the situation and the lake I am fishing. 
A Nice Looking Common on a Beautiful Day As Well.
When you turn up to your target lake, what sort of process do you go through go settling down for the day or night? 
I will always do a lap or two of the lake until I find fish and if I don’t see any signs I will go on previous experience and the weather conditions.
What would be the one item of tackle you would never go fishing without, if you did, would it hinder your fishing strategies?
I can’t name one item because I feel there is a few I could never go without so I’m going to change it to the three things I couldn’t go without and they are; PVA, polaroid’s and spare bait. 
Well there we go, an insight into the mind of young carp angler and some of the stunners he catches, hope this was beneficial! Until Next Time.. On my next blog you will find me at Linear Fisheries in Oxfordshire! Join me later next week to find out how myself and Velocity Baits Junior Consultant Liam Morgan get on for 48hrs on the banks of Brasenose in Oxford!
Follow me on twitter - @Rosst93


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