Monday 3 June 2013

Finally It All Comes Good

This month couldn't get any better for me some great opportunities and some brilliant people I have become friends with, topped off by a session at one of the top venues in the country, Linear Fisheries on Brasenose 1.

After putting a bit of time into a small but HEAVILY pressured lake a short drive from me, only catching a Tench and losing a fish half way through the fight, I am joined by young dynamo Liam Morgan. 

Our aim - we are both using contrasting methods, this will show the wide range of baits you can use to try and keep the fish coming, rather than everyone using the same baits as what's being processed in the magazines, not saying you can't use them it just allows you to keep your options open. I have made the long drive nearly 2 hours in fact to a great complex that I haven't unfortunately fished as much as I'd like to. Last time I fished this complex was when I got myself a qualifying position to get into the BYCAC final back in 2011, getting through to the final has been one of my greatest achievements, albeit coming 25th.  

A lot of bait, rigs and approaches of all areas will definitely be shown throughout this blog. I'm also hoping to put at least one fish on the bank live for the cameras by using all of the top range that has just been released by Velocity Baits, I have no one better to help me than Liam Morgan who came 3rd in last year’s BYCAC. 

Liam Had a Steady Flow of Action
Liam had text me on my way down saying he'd had a 15lb Mirror off of one of his spots at 110 yards, this helps me more to know there are fish in the area, hitting the distance shouldn't be a problem.  

The spod mix I am using consists of - 25kg of Bird Seed, 2kg of Corn, 3kg of NV-R and NV-G Boilies with some ZUB-O Dumbells in to keep the fish guessing for as long as possible, also I will be adding some small 3mm Gremlin Pellets and some of the V-Cloud. The problem is I have 5 tubs of the V-Cloud so choosing which one I want to use isn't easy, a coin toss will decide! To apply the bait to the swim I will be using my favourite method of bait delivery being the old faithful Spod, if I need to deliver a lot more bait then no hesitation that I will use a Spomb to get a better volume of bait over both rods.  
Liam Spodding to His Rods At Range
There isn't necessarily one method I have decided on at the moment, I have a mixed bag of tactics in mind and for me keeping the options open is key. I rarely go on a session with any less than 3 different methods.  

Let’s move onto the session in hand:-  

The peg I am set in is next to one of the double swims just up from the point on Brasenose 1; I have a quick lead around to find a solid drop. Once I had found it I clipped up all the rods, 20 turns round the bank sticks and set about putting some bait out. I put out roughly half a ground bait bucket of bait out and put the rigs out and trickled in some fresh bait in every hour or so.  

Zigs were cast out to 1ft under the surface, and solid bags. I managed to work the swim but the weather was overwhelmingly hot! Liam managed to snare a few fish from his spots, 20 yards further than where I was fishing.  
I persisted with the spot I was fishing and took it upon me to chuck my rods long to the middle area of water, chod rigs and a zig to see if anything would happen.

Liam's grandad managed to catch 2 fish, one being over 22lb and one being a brute of a 30lb mirror what a result!  

30lb Cracker, Taken on a Velocity Baits Shellfish Pop-up in a
Solid Bag
Both of the Fish Paul Had, 2 Awesome Fish!
The session drew on and a very good night’s sleep on the first night and the second night is quickly upon us, Liam had landed a fish and after he had released it my rod goes into meltdown, a decision was taken to recast and put a solid bag on before the take and that was the rod which took off!  

The Fish Started Showing, Something Had to Kick off!
A short solid battle and a 16lb 8oz mirror lays in the folds of the landing net, a few trophy shots taken and another bag was chucked back out to the baited spot. As the night drew on an odd occurrence had happened.  
16lb 8oz Mirror Opened the Account for the Evening!
The right rod signalled a big drop back, I stood an contemplated all of about 5milliseconds and picked up the rod, I wound down 20 turns and it's game on, I stumbled out of the Titan without grabbing my head torch so I was netting the fish blind! I jumped in the margin up to my knees and managed to draw the fish over the net chord. 
I was frantically trying to do a self-take as I thought it was a low double, all the tripod set up and I go to lift the fish out of the margins but it was bigger than I first thought!  

I rushed off and awoke Liam's dad Wayne, he gave me a hand getting the fish sorted, I hoisted her into the weigh sling and she spun the dial round to 23lb 6oz. I cradled her whilst Wayne took some pictures. I held her in the margin and got some water shots and let her recover and off she went. 
23lb 6oz Mirror, Taken on the Solid Bag Method Explained Below!
I had the fish on a very good solid bag mix I have used at a few different venues and it had got me 2 bites in the end to save a blank. It consisted of an inline drop off method with 4 inches of 15lb Missing link with a pop-up/incredibly balanced set up on the business end. The bait consisted of NV-R Stick Mix, C2-R Pellet, The M&M’s pellet with a Pear Drop Pop-up on the hair, the fish was nailed in the bottom lip which was a god send, I had changed the rig from my previously used solid bag rig being a bog standard pop-up rig and this nailed both of the fish I proceeded on to catch.  
The Components of the Bag, The Rig Did the Business, Small
Solid Bags Were The Option for This Session.

What a high to end the session on I used a lot of bait and really did take the strange firing a Spomb endlessly to put the bait out!
Keep your eyes peeled for the rest of the year for some exciting things to come! 
Cradling Her in the Water Before I Let Her Go, What A Lump!

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