Tuesday 7 May 2013

Surface Fishing With Un-Necessary Disasters.

Surface Fishing With Un-necessary Disasters!

A Stunning Fish Taken on a Zig Bug a Few Weeks Ago With Nash Tackles Alan Blair.
Firstly I'd like to welcome you back to my blogs, I haven't been posting recently as I have been away on work experience for one of my units at Shuttleworth College. As you may have seen I did manage to get out fishing but not very much only catching a few small fish with one of them noted further into this blog. Lets get on with the session!

Bank holidays, I hate them for the reason that I can never seem to get on the bank. Lakes all full and petrol wasted but it has allowed me to see what people are doing on the lake I'm going to approach.

I have fished this lake before using all manor of tactics catching some brilliant carp as well. I have previously fished this lake with floaters as fish are easier to catch when they are on the surface, providing your using the right tactics of course. I will be using a Medium Fox Bolt Bubble which is fixed on the line but can come free if a fish happens to get snagged. This is fished in conjunction with 8ft of Nash Zig Flo and a Size 8 Fang Gaper hook with a fake dog biscuit nicked on. This is all it takes to nail a fish or two off the surface.
Fox Bolt Bubbles Are Great For Surface Fishing.
I take the long drive to the small lake and hope to find some fish straight away. I walked all the way down one of the arms of the lake to find 3 fish on the surface which gave me one option, then I walked down the second arm to find no less than 30 carp all sunning themselves. It'd have been a crying shame to not have a go and walk past them.

All the gear for the session was packed lightly onto a barrow and I made way across to where I had seen them on the surface. One rod set up with floater gear was soon cast out following some of the fish which you could tell we're hungry.

Out the corner of my eye I had spotted a fish cruising with its mouth open lapping up the mixers, I had formulated a plan with the mixers to make the area a whole lot more interesting and this was soaking the mixers in NV-R Liquid and Vegetable oil to create a slick out in front of where I'm fishing. A few mouthed hooks later and BANG! I've got one on. It was a very scary battle as I have a load of marginal snags to my right and left and he didn't hesitate to plough through them! The fish is soon on the net and the scales spun round to 14lb 2oz. I can quite easily say this beats last weeks floater session.
A Lovely Fish, Showing Off Its Dorsal, She Went 14lb 2oz!
20minutes on from this fight I'm into another one, as its bow waving through the margins I spot it's a cracking looking linear.. It becomes snagged. The fish then sheds the hook onto a branch and its game over. A few expletives later and I'm back out looking for the fish.

Unfortunately the sun had gone in and the fish had cruised off elsewhere. At this point I decided to put a rod out on the bottom on a Velocity Baits Pear Drop popup on a multi rig with a liberal glugging in the new Berry V-Cloud Liquid, this is under armed into my right margin.

This Stuff Smells Awesome!!
The left rod is on a zig just under the surface about 20 yards out on a Glow Zig Bug as this'll mimic anything that is in the upper layers of the water, hopefully to intercept anything any fish in the vicinity they were earlier this morning.

Out the corner of my eye I spotted a few more fish on the surface slowly emerging from the snags to my right hand side. I spotted a few fish only coming out and taking a few mixers to go back into their safe haven. Roughly half an hour had passed and one fish looked like it was up for a picture so I cast just past it and reeled slowly over it, BAM! the fish was on and towing me round, this gave tell tale signs it was one of the mental ghosties that reside in this lake and in some numbers as well. As I'm only using 9ft 3lb rods it is hard to steer them away from the snag and he found his way in, after a few heart racing moments he managed to surge his way out as I was going to go for an early net to save any problem, oh did I speak to soon? Not long after the surge the line parts and I've lost another one, I checked the hook link and it was all frayed where it was grating on the snag which was gutting to say the least!

Zig Bugs, Who Can Beat Them, Get On 'Em!
After this heart wrenching moment I get on the move and decide to approach them from a different angle but I'm out of luck, its time to shoot off home and complete some assignments for tomorrow, specially as I have to go into work as well.

Follow me on Twitter - @Rosst93 to find out some more about me and don't be afraid to ask questions!

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