Monday 5 November 2012

Q&A With Nash Tackles Nick Burrage

Nash Tackles Very Own Nick Burrage an Incredibly
Acknowledged Angler!

 Questions and Answers!

     So the last interview situation I did was with another Nash Consultant, Julian Cundiff which can also be found on the same page, it was a real big hit and rolled in the reviews, here it is something i have wanted to publicize on Facebook and Twitter but i held back the excitement, here it is, this isn't just for the benefit of myself but yourself too, i hope you can pick up some tips and transfer them into your own fishing, Enjoy!   

     Q. I have seen you on the Nash DVDs, How do you get the most out of your fishing when your on the bank? 
Immaculate Presentation on the Lake Bed.
     A. By being stealthy, keeping my eyes wide open and most of all by being sensible in how I bait up! I suppose thinking and taking on board the weather, along with other factors that may upset the carps feeding habits.

     Q. What is you all time favourite rig(s) that you have caught on and what situations have they proved better than other rigs? 
     A. I do favour a supple Blow-back rig, with a supple braid it will sit on any lake bed I care to fish on. But where this really comes into its own is in Silt, even if the lead drops into the silt 3 inches; my hook bait will still sit correct!

     Q. Each angler has their own favourite pattern of hook, which is your favourite and how did that decision come about?
     A. Nash Fang X in a size 6, that’s the hook for me. After many years of trial and error with hooks, I soon found a curve shank style hooks, fish holding properties, were well above most patterns on the market. And proof of this is that while on the Fang X I have never lost a carp to a hook pull; let me touch some wood quick!!

Supple Rig As Explained Above.
     Q. Most of my fishing is more successful during the summer, as the winter is now looming how do you recommend people approach their venues during the winter to still bank fish? 
     A. Well to start with on this one, they need to cut right down on their baiting up. I find a good way to keep bites coming is to feed no more than 10 baits when you leave and almost just fish stringers or bags when I’m down fishing again; then bait again when I leave, (fishing the same peg) This will work best on quiet lakes/syndicate waters, as a day ticket you never know who’s been down really. You will always have an option of using a single fruity or spicy pop-up cast at showing fish too. But keep the bait very light and I work on a fish may eat only 2 baits a day; don’t forget to use proper winter boilies, this has more bird food and less oils… It will attract the carp twice as well in the end!

     Q. What are your favourite components that you use on every session you go fishing? What sort of spots do you use them on? 
     A.  Rig components Mmmm?  Fang X hooks size 6, Missing link 20lb, a 2mm rig ring and a little Cling-on putty to help it down… jobs a good UN! I also like using our Nash lead clips, as you know I have spent far too long fishing in Silt, the clips act as a silt break and stop the lead pulling in too far. Along with a flat pear lead and a Diffusion leader, that’s my set up for 90% of my carp angling. Very simple, but catches me lots of carp; so with my supple hook link and maybe a back lead that’s my favourite set-up!

Nice Scaly Mirror!
     Q. Usually some anglers just turn up at a lake and make a bee line for a swim nearest the car park or where ever is easiest to get to, what simple steps do you take when you arrive at a lake to ensure you make the most of the time that you have on the lake? 
     A. Unless its winter and I have a baiting plan going, I never pick a peg before I get to the lake. OK sometimes I will think if there is a big S/W wind blowing, the carp will be in X peg!  But as a rule I get down to the lake and have a good luck, if I still haven’t seen anything I go on a bit f gut feeling/watercraft of where I would be in the lake if I was a carp. Taking into account of the angling pressure, weather/wind/sun or even where the hot peg might be. A Bit like if a hot peg has been fished hard, I would go in a quiet area maybe on the back of the wind; just trying to catch my own fish.

   Q. Is there any lake or fish you would happily go back to or catch again and why? 
     A. Every lake I choose to fish I would go back to, I would need a 20 year gap though before going back; as I do try my best to catch most of the carp when I’m first there fishing!!

Q. How often do you get on the bank and do you usually do nights rather than days or do you get out on the bank when ever you can? 
     A. Time has been tight this year, and yeah I do nights never really just days. I do try and get out as much as I can, but with my family and other commitments sometimes it can be hard.

     Q. Pick a method from - Solid Bags, Bottom Baits, Zigs or Chod Rigs.. Suggest why this is a good tactic and how people can make the most of their session using this tactic.
Nash Black Squid, A Favored Bait
 for Nick!
     A. Bottom baits because the method can be used everywhere, from margins to baited areas. Even in the summer my bottom baits will fish the top 2 feet of water where the carp are swimming… two feet of water around the margins!! Find where the fish are and place the hook baits quietly, I’m a bit old school and it looks more natural to me. 

     Q. I am personally quite a basic angler, I keep things simple, some anglers say that staying basic is the best way to put fish on the bank, do you think this is true and using complicated rigs overcomplicates fishing itself? 
     A. As you can see from my approach, I’m also a simple angler in my approach; even if everything is well thought out else where.
I try and put thought where it’s needed really!

Q. What 3 items of tackle would you never go fishing without? 
     A. 2oz flat pear leads, supple braid, Fang X hooks.
    Well as long as I had my Bedchair, cooker and frying pan! Lol!

     Q. How long have you been angling and how long did it take to put the building blocks in place to get to where you are now in the angling world?
Lovely Big Commons, Always Look Good In All
There Colours!
     A. I’ve been angling for around 36 years, and to be honest… I’ve loved every day on the bank! Every day spent on the river or pool, has helped me get to be the lucky angler I am today. From feeding Roach to baggin Barbel or stalking Carp in the early days, it all has given a small piece that been added to my watercraft skills, that in turn helps me today.

     Q. People within angling have there pet hates, what is your biggest pet hates in fishing and how did it become apparent? 
     A. One of my pet hates is, when some try to catch a carp at any cost; Whether it’s at the expense of the other anglers, or at the expense of the carps well being.
At the end of the day we do it for fun!!

     Q. I love float and feeder fishing for big Roach as well as carp fishing, is there any other species that you like angling for and what particular lakes or rivers do you fish for them on? 
     A. I have spent all my life living in Bridgnorth on the River Severn, all of my childhood I was seen on the river bank catching all sorts really. These days I only fish for Carp as my time is limited, but there will soon come a day when I will make the river carp jump a little; after spending a long time fishing river I’m hoping it will be as fun as the lakes.

     Q. Nash tackle development has come some way over the past few years, what is your favourite item of tackle, luggage or bait that you have got your hands on and would you recommend it to carp anglers? 
     A. Nash tackle?? Well everything has its good points but if I had to narrow it down, I would say the new NR rods 3lb test, Fang X hooks and the Monster Squid… Each one of these items is a joy to use and helped me bag no end of carp over the past couple of seasons. The Monster Squid should be tried by everyone!

Nick Burrage. (Nash)

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