Monday 17 September 2012

World Carp Classic 2012 - Lago de Bolsena, Italy

Peter Micula - PVTV 15

                It's finally the end of august and time for the World Carp Classic held at Lago de Bolsena in Italy, after being awake for a full day and having to be at college for 1:30am, we are airport bound - Gatwick. We finally arrive and get to the drop off point making way straight for customs to get to our departure gate, everything sorted and walking through the scanners, it screams out as I walk through, after being searched I am clear to proceed. After getting into the departure lounge we make a bee line for Maccy D's, a sausage, egg and cheese bagel went down a treat. We get to the departure gate and are on the plane to Italy, we flew over Bolsena as we flew in from the north of Italy it was huge!
                The plane touched down and we were soon in the 30 degree heat ready to travel to Bolsena around 2 hours from the Fiumcino airport - in nothing but Fiat 500's. We reached Bolsena and pitched camp for the next few days until all the preparation side of things is complete, we made a short walk to the water’s edge to see what the lake looked like.. It was simply breath taking so we all went swimming for a couple of hours and I was fantastic.
                Friday evening was soon upon us, there was a gathering in the bar of some of the anglers and visitors from Bivvy City, after grabbing a much needed beer from the bar, I met and spoke to Mr and Mrs Spomb, really nice people and I am glad to have met them and some of the stories they had about recent trips. After countless games of table football a small rivalry begins losing some games I have found a table based game I am okay at without mincing things.
                We spent a fair bit of time in Bivvy City during the day on Saturday thus moving onto the pasta party in Marta, myself and my colleague Paul spoke to the reps of Wiley X, they are glasses representatives from the America based company, the glasses being ballistics tested and 100% polarised as seen in the pictures. Sunday was eventful first the Gladiator Games hosted by Carp Connections Hans Ssingh, i was pulled into "the pit" to face a 6ft+ Dutch fisherman on a 9kg horizontal lift to see who lasts the longest, I held my own for a matter of minutes but unfortunately lost, then the fun part, a wader race  by which Shuttleworth College faced Carp connections undertaken by Paul Wixcey, storming into an incredible lead, he tried his hardest they came up trumps, then a Shuttleworth vs Sparsholt just ended in a full on water fight rolled onto the evening parade through Bolsena town, carrying the national flags following a horse drawn cart with Ardy Veltkamp leading us was good, we then walked through the church with the flags and held them on the stage for the 2011 Madine champions of Germany to replace the trophy on a stand.  A short walk to a pizzeria with the Shuttleworth team accompanied by media team member Randy we sat and had a pizza - had to have a traditional Italian pizza whilst we were here. The peg draw was soon finished at the peg draw after a quick tidy up and we were back at base camp thoroughly knackered and time for bed and a cooked breakfast in the morning, result.
French Team - Big Fish Richworth
With The First 20kg+ In Our Section

                The night was pretty rough, waking up around 12-1:00 with a dodgy stomach and a few shooting pains I managed to slip off to sleep again and woke at 7:00am with a continuation of some stomach upset, after a wash and something to eat and a lovely cup of English breakfast tea, my stomach was feeling better already, bivvies down and gear away ready to move, I am stocking up on water and other supplies to keep me and my partnering marshal Jack going until we go back to basecamp for a shower.  A couple of mile stretch of our section was covered and introduced ourselves to the anglers and some rest was taken, sat reading Crafty Carper Magazine and chilling out. Back at the marshal station and food and supplies was dropped off and sat in the Bivvy trying to evict an ultimate swarm of mozzies and other bugs the citronella candles were put just inside the doorway of the bivvy and they seem to be doing the trick with several casualties swimming in the molten wax things are looking up for a bite-less night, time to wait for some dinner to come through.
                Radio activity is showing that fish are being caught just round from us on the lake in the ATT section, our Italian team had a fish but the Starter of the ATT section marshals weighed up the fish, it was a 3.6kg Common. 11:35 was soon here, the HQ now offline, time to climb into the sack and try and get some sleep before the section check to weigh any sacked up fish from during the night, if any have been caught.
A Lovely Fish, It Was Decided To
Give Him A Good Soaking!!

                Woken at 1:20 to a fish that needed weighing in PVTV section being a common weighing in at 13.5kg - absolutely stunning fishing dark and very muscular. After an eventful night a few more fish on the cards, in ATT peg one a 6.4kg Common, ATT peg five a 5kg Common. Whilst on our rounds first thing in the morning in PVTV a 7.0kg Common was reported, again another poor looking day in terms of weather more rain persisted. Another few fish to PVTV 8 being a nice sized 14.9kg Common, ATT3 a 12.0kg Common, ATT5 3.5kg Mirror and in ATT1 a 6.3kg Common. These results show that the fish are well spread unlike Madine being held in one prolific section of the lake. Just as I am sat typing this out my attention is drawn to PVTV15 again with the angler in the boat with a bend in the rod, we soon take a wonder down and weigh the fin perfect pretty common weighing in at 3.0kg.
The 22kg+ Common Peter Micula Had
When We Were Squaring Up Papers.

                Finally at 1:00pm the rain has stopped and the water is still thrashing the beach in front of us, the rain had been going since I got up first thing in the morning. After dealing with 3 fish in one peg with a pretty mirror as pictured, we finally had a lump and a half, an 18.2kg(40lb) Common landed in ATT01 also as pictured we got back to basecamp only to e pulled in both directions to ATT03 and PVTV08 to weigh fish but transport was at hand so a 40 minute job was turned into 10 minutes, now in the comfort of my bivvy I am off to sleep as we have been instructed to stay in our bivvies even if the anglers get a fish but it must be sacked until the morning so some much needed sleep catch up is 110% on the cards! Feeling absolutely shattered I eventually get out of bed at 8;00am, the section is already actor but the sun looks like it'll be putting a much slower angle on the result until this evening progresses on.
Greeted By Camera Crews The 22.5kg(49lb 5oz) Common
Was Hoisted For The Media Cameras, What A Stunner!

                A few more fish on our section after 3:00pm brings PVTV15 over ATT01, ATT01 are on 107.8kg of fish whilst the fish that PVTV15 caught brings them up to 125.6kg pull out a lead on our section, so far they are that far ahead they are the PVTV and ATT section leaders with a good weight of fish and most importantly catching consistently! The rain continues pouring, soaked to the skin we had to previously had to make a trip to the end of our section ATT05 to resolve some issues, whilst doing so the English Old Ghost Team manage to get there first fish on the scoreboard. I am sat in a soaking wet t-shirt sulking in my bivvy, I thought we were in Italy not still in sunny England - this weather resembles something we have once a week without fail in England, as soon as we leave Italy the weather will perk up, which would be typical! Rather than being sat out in the fresh air or socialising with the anglers, the rain has halted that considerably, so I am sat reading Crafty Carper Magazine which is keeping me entertained. Another relentless evening soaking wet I gave up trying to keep dry. Another couple of fish before I go to bed to wake up at 8:00am. Up and awake I set off to weigh in some more fish as follows;-
01:30am - 11.5kg Common ATT01
05:30am - 06.0kg Common ATT03
06:00am - 03.7kg Common PVTV15
06:30am - 03.0kg Common PVTV15
08:48am - 13.6kg Common PVTV15
10:25am - 13.9kg Common PVTV7
11:56am - 08.9kg Common PVTV15
12:20am - 21.1kg Common PVTV14
13:01pm - 08.8kg Common PVTV15
14:15pm - 12.7kg Common PVTV15
14:16pm - 09.0kg Common PVTV15 
We Really Were Over The Moon
For Peter, He Truly Deserved It
Well Done Again!

                Finally after the spell of action I am picked up by Mike to go back to our base. Sitting down trying to fill out the paperwork as soon as possible he kindly treats us to some lunch. There are now 4-5 marshals on out section which will ease the pressure and the tireless work. The paperwork had to be continued and finished off before 8:30am, at this time it was 11:00, there were some really good looking big fish 18.2kg and a 22.5kg(49lb 5oz) common to our pegs this means we pick up the biggest fish and a hot contender for 2nd/1st place overall. I eventually got to bed at around 3:15am and had to be up as early as possible to try and radio through the 40. With that done I am waiting for the media team to get to us for some filming and pictures! The fish was reported to media; Peter was over the moon with such a stunning fish. Plenty of pictures and filming were all done. Barely any fish were caught during the day on our section, temperatures pushing 25/30 degrees turning the fish off, the evening was also slow and barely any fish only 3 fish in our section were weighed in total on the last morning.
Last Fish After The Hooter For Ian
Chillcott, Result To The 2012 Champions

                The sweep of the section completed and we're gathered in PVTV15 with the 2012 champions along with Ian Chillcott and his camera crew filming the celebrations of the winning team, which was a good laugh.  All the gear packed away it's back to bivvy city for tonight’s ceremony and the champions to be crowned. The sun is about and it's going to be another scorcher once again. Well it has been a good event meeting and catching up with people I had met last year at Madine, I have met some amazing people some of which I hope to meet up with over the next year or so, I will say that in a few year’s time I shall be competing – Watch This Space!

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