Wednesday 26 September 2012

The New Lake, Where Things Begin

The New Lake, Where Things Begin.
                Since I have fished the lagoon which is in one of my previous blogs, there is a small lake very close by that I have finally got my membership for. It is a small 4 acre lake packed with some stunning fish, fish that I am now going to start a campaign for and try and fit in at least one night a week to try and outwit these awesome specimens. The lake is set just outside Cambridgeshire around a 25 minute drive away; it took me by the scruff of the neck and screamed carp at me.
                I have always been the one for fishing huge expanses of water so I can hit to the horizon, but this lake really is something else, I’m going to explain what I’m going to be doing over the course of the year and how I am approaching this lake, not forgetting the advice that I have picked up along the way as well.
                I have been keeping up to date with the fish that have been coming out and I have lost count of how many fish, this lake has a good head that are over the 25lb mark. The record was around 37lb which went over 40lb just before spring, unfortunately this fish I wanted to target died a year or so ago, not to worry there are around 5 carp that I will be targeting, it is a good thing as it means If I catch the target on my first session I have got what I came for, but there are plenty of others so my work will be cut out on this venue. Unfortunately until I have got what I want from that lake it will remain nameless, some people that I speak to regularly may know the name of the lake already.
                This is really about what I am going to do to try and make the most of my time on this lake in terms of tactics and other things I’ll be doing, they are as follows :-
                This is the first chance I have got in front of me to properly target a water despite having a love of moving from venue to venue to keep my options open, I have been on a bait which I love made by Velocity Baits call NV-R, this bait smells pucka and I haven’t been on a session where a fish hasn’t taken it. I use this bait in different arrangements; I use the stick mix and a combo of other bait in solid bags, a real favoured method I use ANYWHERE. I also use the 14mm boilies in the same scent, these are brilliant, I have slid the net under carp of 21lb using this very bait so this won’t go a miss either used in solids or using one of the ranges pop-ups on a Choddy which will be explained.
                The fish in this lake are heavily fed on Mainline Cell; I want to try and do something different and use bait they may have never seen before which I’m not 100% sure of at this point in time. I will be using the Velocity Baits RE-AKT for the few weeks leading up to the winter months as it is dark and fish simply love it. Then I will be using a bait call ZUB-O through the winter months as I tend to use low key and less potent baits in the winter hopefully giving me an advantage, this bait is a mottled white colour and looks washed out and the fish love this bait as well.
                I will be using the baits in different ways until I find a way that the fish are confident with, if they prefer a spread of bait than a greedy pig style method then the spread will open the way for me to use in future sessions.
                Onto the rigs, I have a lot of faith in Combi rigs as they really are something special, they are camouflaged into any lake bed because of the flouro boom and they look great and in the right situation they really do rise above other rigs. The other one I will be using on a consistent basis is the good old Chod rig, I have been playing about with this rig and shown different ways of tying it up and I definitely have my preference of ways of tying it, but there is a lot of bottom dwelling blanket weed so I will have to play about with the size of the Chod rig until I find the optimum depth.
                Over the next couple of weeks I will be switching across to Nash Tackle, they have a great range open for use and they will all be received greatly into my fishing, I have 2 patterns of Nash hooks in my tackle box, one being the fang twister which I shall be adopting into my Chod rigs and I will show you how to tie one up in my next blog, hopefully it will be finished next week providing I can get onto the bank first thing in the week.  
                I really do hope things settle in quick with my first session next week, not just this but the winter is right on our doorstep, I shall be writing regular blogs on night sessions,  48 hour sessions and even the odd short session with other odd sessions throughout the winter on other venues. Hopefully if it can be organised, a few sessions with special guests as well this will make things more interesting.  
                College is finally upon us again so it’s back behind the desk to finish of my qualification stepping into the world of work next year, keep reading to see how I get on over the next few months.  Follow me on twitter - @Rosst93 and like my Facebook page

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