Wednesday 20 June 2012

Short Evening Session

Short Evening Session!

After getting let out of college a bit early I was scrambling around in the shed frantically tying up solid bags. I set off in the car with my brother and arrived to see the swim that I wanted to be free. I open the lid of the bucket with my solid tied up and under arm the bag out. After watching copious tench cruising into the small bay, I am sat on the floor lapping up the scenery and watching the fish cruise around. I am then uplifted by a savage liner on the rod, I look into the water and see a small plume of bubbles rise to the surface, then another set of liners just to evolve into nothing. I feel excellent, no worries at home, college work/assignments are pretty much up to scratch, its days like these where I love being down at the lake. When ever I think about doing a short session, I think of a couple of things, where are the fish? and what am I going to use to not spook them easily, well the approach is answered.
The presentation I am using is nothing extremely difficult. I am an avid fan of using solid bags where ever I can, especially on short sessions I must say! The bag mix is - 1mm The M&M's pellet, 1.5mm C2-R pellet and some NV-R stick mix. Before casting, I take a 5ml syringe and squirt a liberal amount of glug over the bag before casting to maximise attraction. I have devised this solid PVA Bag mix out of some bait i have in the shed, i also have deep faith in all of it as i have caught on all the bait that is included in the mix, minus the NV-R stick mix, although getting my string pulled using that shouldn't be hard to go by! The fish are going absolutely mental, tench have other things on there mind, although I wouldn't mind a tench as I haven't caught one for a year or so now!
As I'm sat in the margins watching for signs of fish, I grab a bottle of the Kiana Carp Bait Smoke Goo(Corn Twist) and start messing round with it to see what it looks like, looks brilliant! I see a few carp moving, they look like submarine in this lake! This is the place where the magic happened and where I caught the pictured - 23lb 10oz Mirror. As I'm sat by the rod, the stow lifted to the top and held there.. but unfortunately nothing unfolded from that activity. Next time I will be a bit more prepared, I will still fish the solid bag mix, instead of fishing one rod, I  will have 2 but with either a piece of black foam on a zig or a Nash Zig Bug to test what happens. Sorry the pictures aren't excellent I didn't pick up my usual fishing camera this time.. woops!

Next week you will find me down at Richworth Linear Fisheries on Brasenose marshalling for the Korda Carp Team England Trials, alongside the carpfest happening nearby, you your about, come and say hello!

Until Next Time - Keep Catching!

1 comment:

  1. another awesome blog mate, i always like reading your blogs full with loads of useful hints and tips every time. keep it up mate and and im sure with those awesome products that everyone should really get onto and with your angling skill and eye for detail i am sure you will bag lots of big and beautiful fish in the coming years and i wish you all the best of luck. keep it up mate

    tight lines

    a fellow velo bait tester

