Monday 11 June 2012

Question and Answer

Special Guest Question and Answer!

             This month is certainly a special one, an email saw the progress of a new blog that will hot things up a bit, through chatting to the man for a number of weeks and generously reading my blogs and helping me a tad, I asked for the assistance of Julian Cundiff to do something special for this specific blog. He didnt even hesitate with giving me an answer a straight "yes" was all it took to add the final pieces of the jigsaw and here it is enjoy!

              Here is a short question and answer scenario, hope you learn something or pick up another perspective answer from Jules :-

Q. What is your most memorable capture within your carp fishing days?
Jules - I guess catching the 49-06 and 38-12 and 31-12 in 24 hours at Church Pool is right up their Ross.

Jules Clutching an Amazing Capture at
Nash Church Pool.
 Q. For new angler starting to fish harder lakes, what are the top 3 tips you recommend to get started?
Jules - Listen to what others who have been successful tell you+fish only that water+spend more time day and night looking rather than fishing.

Q. Anglers across the country have a "pet hate" when fishing what is yours and how did it come about?
Jules - Not really got one other than bait boats being used by able bodied anglers to deposit bait and end tackles to places they cannot cast to.

Q.  If there was one rig that you wouldn't fish without, which would it be?
Jules - Multi-Rig with a Nash Diffusion leader, lead clip, lightish lead and fluorocarbon mainline...Steamed hooklength natch.

Q. What is the one question you are always asked on the bank or in person at shows on a regular basis?
Jules - How do I get sponsored Jules.

Q. Everyone has there own favourite pattern of hook fished in there own way, which is yours?
Jules - Nash Fang 8 for Pop Ups.

Q.  Which lake would you go back and fish on for another season?
Jules - Savay or Drax.

Q. A majority of anglers ask, "how do I get into the magazines" - what are the top 5 tips that you recommend for anglers to get to the next
stage in their fishing?
Jules - Photograph everything + go to all the shows + find a prolifoc winter water + show loyalty to a bait and tackle firm and send pics in asap.

Q. If there was one thing you wouldn't go fishing without, what would t be and why?
Jules - Coffee cos I am addicted to it drinking 20-30 cups a day.

Q. I'm sure every angler has seen a bag of boilies at some point, which make and scent of boilies are your most favoured over others?
Jules - Nutrabaits Trigga Ice ATS with elevated GLME from Rollin Baits.

Q. In between your busy lifestyle and social life, how many sessions do you get on the bank a week?
 Jules - One to two overnighters every week rain and shine, summer and winter, blanking or bagging !!

Q. Is there any fish in specific that you are targeting at the moment? What's its name and weight?
Jules - Clarence from 3-Lakes Selby which is a stunning mid to upper 30 !!!

Q. What's the most embarrassing thing that has appened to you whilst fishing?
Jules - Crapped in my hood by accident in Kent with no spare clothes....

Q. There are a lot of tactics that some anglers deem complicated, do you think you have to use complicated tactics to catch wary fish or do you think that simple is just as good?
 Jules - There is no answer-what is simple to me may be complicated to others and so on....I do what I 'think' it takes to catch em....

Q. What is the nicest meal you have cooked for yourself on the bank?
Jules - I am rubbish Ross....The best food is food I have scrounged off others.

Jules, thank you for your time it is much apreciated to incorporate you into another one of my blogs.

         Well, there we have it, Julian Cundiffs fishing summed up in a nut shell. He is a true inspiration and a class angler, he inspires so many people and give good advice, dont hesitate to ask him other questions at shows or on the bank. Put yourself forward and get you name out there so you can become like him some day, anglers dont get sponsored over night it takes time, effort and a heck of a lot of patience, making contacts is a good start as you have more people to keep in contact with in the angling pipeline.

Until next time, thank you for reading and hope to have some more material for you very soon.

Keep Catching!

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