Tuesday 26 June 2012

Velocity Baits Flouro Glug Review

Velocity Baits Flouro Glug Review
Part One!

The Three Colours - Red, White and

            After being on the Velocity Baits product testing team, I have been asked by Miles to test the flouro glugs when I’m next out on the bank.  This is just a quick review to say what my first impressions and other thoughts on the glugs are before getting on the bank to put them through their paces to see how they stand up to vigorous testing.  After seeing pictures on the Velocity emails we regularly receive, Miles recommended the new flouro glugs, they are made from natural products and they don’t pose any harm to the fish. I haven't really read into these glugs myself but have been tempted or should I say persuaded to use them within a blog, primarily for reasons stated below.
            I haven’t been the one for using these types of flouro products but after all I am part of a team to help get the best out of the products, and after all there not going to do any damage to my fishing in any way. I am an avid fan of solid bag fishing so there are lists of things I’ll be doing to see how they do –
1.     Injecting the glug into Solid Bags – Testing the PVA friendly qualities and to see if it affects the bait on the inside of the bag.
2.     To see what happens to the colour on a scaled down version of the lake bed.
3.     To see how it copes when I glug PVA mesh bags of pellet(HD Readies)
4.     Identify how they help the attraction of pop-ups specially using the yellow with the Pineapple pop-ups.
5.     To see if the flouro glug brings me quick bites as opposed to using normal bags on their own.    

Use With Solids to Add A
Halo In Your Swim!

            On the flipside of using these points to help me see what the glugs do, I’ll be testing the consistency and also the colours of the glugs, this will be the make or break point, after all you don’t want a thick flouro glug that’s going to be transparent as a window and not look very good or have a poor consistency, also testing how long they last in the water on a small scale. I am a fan of using solid bags where ever I can get away with it, I use them on high stocked day ticket waters and even on small waters where you don’t have so many fish, they are a good tactic if you want to keep disturbance to a minimum in your swim whilst people are piling in particle and other bits and pieces, however, I’m not saying that is a bad idea because when I get to know a water I love using particle and loose fed items, it keeps the fish in the area and makes your swim more interesting. I am a sucker for using the Spomb and the Mini Spomb after mastering spodding quite quickly.

My Solid Bag Mix

            I will be using 3 different coloured glugs which I will review individually and they will all be included in my favourite PVA bag mix – NV-R Stick Mix, C2-R Pellet(1.5mm) and The M&M’s(1.0mm). The glugs will be injected into the bag using a 5ml Syringe, the reason I use a small syringe is because you don’t want to overdo it, after all you’re after a bite, not trying to make your swim look pretty and decorate it under the surface. (ha-ha) - This method will be going into my fishing from now on, from  devising this pva bag mix there is all sorts of sizes of feed that will entice a bite, with the use of these glugs this will be a killer tactic on the bank - lets see in the next stage of the testing!
             After receiving the glugs first thing in the morning it gave me the rest of the day to test them and to see what they are like, I must say I am presently surprised by the glugs, here are my thoughts on the colours -
White Glug: - The white glug is brilliant, it clings on to an array of hookbaits and it looks brilliant, this may be a good idea when fishing on silt to help your bait show up or even in weed to add a small halo. There is no scent to the glugs but being a visual attractor it’s excellent! the small bottle makes it look almost like a bottle of PVA glue, which I thought it was to start off with but then after looking and feeling it it has similar properties but I know it wouldn't have been swapped, the glug is awesome and will be put throroughly through its paces in the next few weeks.
Orange Glug: - I have never been a fan of using orange hook baits, having the option of this colour is excellent, it clings onto the baits well and it looks amazing, the colour quality is outstanding and it will again stick out like a sore thumb! The neat little bottle finishes it off nicely, there isn't any other rubbish to go with it, just the bottle on its own, plainly for your use and in which ever way you wish to use it, there are various other colours but i have been sent these and each will be used in all the same ways to make a fair test.
Red Glug:-  Being a fan of the NV-R boilies and other baits, this will tie in quite nicely adding another spectrum of colour to the lake bed when fishing with either bags of whole boilies or using small 50p(quick bite) bags. This again sticks to the baits well and has a consistency the same as PVA Glue, amazing! This is a great colour and is a darker than the other two, it is said that either lighter colour glugs and darker colour glugs do just as good as each other, I'm not phased in the slightest that this is darker than the other, it may be better than the others? We shall see.
            The glugs are amazing when coupled with pop-ups or even bottom baits, this may prove a killer on really dark lake beds, adding the white in may cause some interest as the fish would have never seen these sorts of glugs before, it may mean that they will bring you a few more bites being so bright the fish won’t have any choice but to investigate the baits and hopefully you’ll have one or 2 during your session.
            These glugs are even PVA friendly; this is a bonus when you use glug the outside of your bags as I have started doing in my own fishing. Glugging your bags adds that extra attraction and pulling power, adding this to the inside of your bag boasts attraction and leave you standing out from the crowd as such. Internally glugging or externally glugging your bags work just as well the smells don’t over power the scents of the bait. It also leaves the option of glugging the hookbaits, no matter how dark or light they are, the picture shows the gloopy texture of the glug and how it clings tightly to the hookbait.
            Enough jabbering on, if they look this good at home, then I wonder what they look like and how they fair on the bank, meaning I’m going to take a trip to a high stocked lake to try and get the best from these glugs.. Keep reading and you yourself could be using these glugs in your fishing. Until Part 2..
To get onto Part Two, follow along on this page, for other information or all things fishing, like my page on Facebook - www.facebook.com/RossTierneyBlogPage or even follow me on Twitter - @Rosst93

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Short Evening Session

Short Evening Session!

After getting let out of college a bit early I was scrambling around in the shed frantically tying up solid bags. I set off in the car with my brother and arrived to see the swim that I wanted to be free. I open the lid of the bucket with my solid tied up and under arm the bag out. After watching copious tench cruising into the small bay, I am sat on the floor lapping up the scenery and watching the fish cruise around. I am then uplifted by a savage liner on the rod, I look into the water and see a small plume of bubbles rise to the surface, then another set of liners just to evolve into nothing. I feel excellent, no worries at home, college work/assignments are pretty much up to scratch, its days like these where I love being down at the lake. When ever I think about doing a short session, I think of a couple of things, where are the fish? and what am I going to use to not spook them easily, well the approach is answered.
The presentation I am using is nothing extremely difficult. I am an avid fan of using solid bags where ever I can, especially on short sessions I must say! The bag mix is - 1mm The M&M's pellet, 1.5mm C2-R pellet and some NV-R stick mix. Before casting, I take a 5ml syringe and squirt a liberal amount of glug over the bag before casting to maximise attraction. I have devised this solid PVA Bag mix out of some bait i have in the shed, i also have deep faith in all of it as i have caught on all the bait that is included in the mix, minus the NV-R stick mix, although getting my string pulled using that shouldn't be hard to go by! The fish are going absolutely mental, tench have other things on there mind, although I wouldn't mind a tench as I haven't caught one for a year or so now!
As I'm sat in the margins watching for signs of fish, I grab a bottle of the Kiana Carp Bait Smoke Goo(Corn Twist) and start messing round with it to see what it looks like, looks brilliant! I see a few carp moving, they look like submarine in this lake! This is the place where the magic happened and where I caught the pictured - 23lb 10oz Mirror. As I'm sat by the rod, the stow lifted to the top and held there.. but unfortunately nothing unfolded from that activity. Next time I will be a bit more prepared, I will still fish the solid bag mix, instead of fishing one rod, I  will have 2 but with either a piece of black foam on a zig or a Nash Zig Bug to test what happens. Sorry the pictures aren't excellent I didn't pick up my usual fishing camera this time.. woops!

Next week you will find me down at Richworth Linear Fisheries on Brasenose marshalling for the Korda Carp Team England Trials, alongside the carpfest happening nearby, you your about, come and say hello!

Until Next Time - Keep Catching!

Monday 11 June 2012

Question and Answer

Special Guest Question and Answer!

             This month is certainly a special one, an email saw the progress of a new blog that will hot things up a bit, through chatting to the man for a number of weeks and generously reading my blogs and helping me a tad, I asked for the assistance of Julian Cundiff to do something special for this specific blog. He didnt even hesitate with giving me an answer a straight "yes" was all it took to add the final pieces of the jigsaw and here it is enjoy!

              Here is a short question and answer scenario, hope you learn something or pick up another perspective answer from Jules :-

Q. What is your most memorable capture within your carp fishing days?
Jules - I guess catching the 49-06 and 38-12 and 31-12 in 24 hours at Church Pool is right up their Ross.

Jules Clutching an Amazing Capture at
Nash Church Pool.
 Q. For new angler starting to fish harder lakes, what are the top 3 tips you recommend to get started?
Jules - Listen to what others who have been successful tell you+fish only that water+spend more time day and night looking rather than fishing.

Q. Anglers across the country have a "pet hate" when fishing what is yours and how did it come about?
Jules - Not really got one other than bait boats being used by able bodied anglers to deposit bait and end tackles to places they cannot cast to.

Q.  If there was one rig that you wouldn't fish without, which would it be?
Jules - Multi-Rig with a Nash Diffusion leader, lead clip, lightish lead and fluorocarbon mainline...Steamed hooklength natch.

Q. What is the one question you are always asked on the bank or in person at shows on a regular basis?
Jules - How do I get sponsored Jules.

Q. Everyone has there own favourite pattern of hook fished in there own way, which is yours?
Jules - Nash Fang 8 for Pop Ups.

Q.  Which lake would you go back and fish on for another season?
Jules - Savay or Drax.

Q. A majority of anglers ask, "how do I get into the magazines" - what are the top 5 tips that you recommend for anglers to get to the next
stage in their fishing?
Jules - Photograph everything + go to all the shows + find a prolifoc winter water + show loyalty to a bait and tackle firm and send pics in asap.

Q. If there was one thing you wouldn't go fishing without, what would t be and why?
Jules - Coffee cos I am addicted to it drinking 20-30 cups a day.

Q. I'm sure every angler has seen a bag of boilies at some point, which make and scent of boilies are your most favoured over others?
Jules - Nutrabaits Trigga Ice ATS with elevated GLME from Rollin Baits.

Q. In between your busy lifestyle and social life, how many sessions do you get on the bank a week?
 Jules - One to two overnighters every week rain and shine, summer and winter, blanking or bagging !!

Q. Is there any fish in specific that you are targeting at the moment? What's its name and weight?
Jules - Clarence from 3-Lakes Selby which is a stunning mid to upper 30 !!!

Q. What's the most embarrassing thing that has appened to you whilst fishing?
Jules - Crapped in my hood by accident in Kent with no spare clothes....

Q. There are a lot of tactics that some anglers deem complicated, do you think you have to use complicated tactics to catch wary fish or do you think that simple is just as good?
 Jules - There is no answer-what is simple to me may be complicated to others and so on....I do what I 'think' it takes to catch em....

Q. What is the nicest meal you have cooked for yourself on the bank?
Jules - I am rubbish Ross....The best food is food I have scrounged off others.

Jules, thank you for your time it is much apreciated to incorporate you into another one of my blogs.

         Well, there we have it, Julian Cundiffs fishing summed up in a nut shell. He is a true inspiration and a class angler, he inspires so many people and give good advice, dont hesitate to ask him other questions at shows or on the bank. Put yourself forward and get you name out there so you can become like him some day, anglers dont get sponsored over night it takes time, effort and a heck of a lot of patience, making contacts is a good start as you have more people to keep in contact with in the angling pipeline.

Until next time, thank you for reading and hope to have some more material for you very soon.

Keep Catching!

Taken By Surprise

Taken by Surprise!

                After weeks and weeks of not catches on many of the sessions I have done, I finally made my way to another lake about 2 minutes from my doorstep; a mate had persuaded me to join him down the lake on his return from the World Catfish Classic in Spain last week.
                On the first of the 2 evening sessions I decided to adopt a float fishing tactic as the tench are notorious in this lake, they won’t turn down a maggot or two at the right time! Skimmer after skimmer I was watching Rich surface fish for the carp which was amazing seeing the odd lump scooping the biscuits off the surface.
                A few hours past and a few missed bites for him then suddenly he is into a fish, being as lovely dark chestnut 18lb Mirror followed by a 10lb common then the pick of the bunch and smashing his old 19lb 9oz pb, a 25lb Common. When it was in the net he said to me “that’s the smallest of the lot!” I then quickly reacted and said “no way! You have a 20 in there mate!”

The Nicest Glug I Have
Ever Smelled!

                Struggling to lift the fish out of the water because of the weight of the carp, rich came to my rescue and hoisted the carp straight onto the mate that I had very kindly lent to him to use on the session, the fish gave him a bit of stick on the bank as it didn’t really fight, the scales spun round and settled on 25lb. Loads of trophy shots of the fish were taken and the fish was then returned to its watery home. When I have been down to the lake with Rich he had come close to tear the amount of times he hadn’t had anything but mozzy bites and no fish to account for. This day session made it extra special to see him bag 3 fish and the 25lb common topping it off really put the cherry on top so’s to speak!
                After seeing Rich bag the big common I didn’t have time to get surface bait out myself and I headed off home confirming with Rich that I’d be down with him the following evening. After waking up feeling like death that morning I chilled out and did bits and pieces around the house and then phoned the big man to see if he was there and he was what a result!
                After loading the car I got up to the lake and got to the swim which I would be fishing, I managed to get my rig amongst the fish but they were more finicky than they were the previous evening, after 2 hours gone by I was mucking round just under arming dog biscuits and getting them around 20 yards off the bank, the most gob smacking sight I saw was when the carp were taking them close in, I wound the rod back in and took a few casts and left the rig in that very position.
                After playing round with short and long hooklink they found something wrong with the short ones so I put a 13ft hooklink on with a size 10 Nash Fang Uni hook with the imitation dog biscuit hooked straight on from there. I was just packing away my pouch and all my other bits and bobs when I heard a huge “CRASH!” on the surface where my rig was… I was in! The fish took a while to come in ripping line from the spool and charging over 10yards and getting 5 yards before it done me again. The fish tore through the marginal cabbages which worried me as I didn’t fancy losing the fish, and then it came up, hit the surface and Rich swooped the net underneath it.

23lb 10oz of Stunning Mirror

                Just as I looked at him the previous evening, he looked at me and said “What was your old pb?” I then replied “22lb 13”. We knew that this was over the 22lb mark and it spun the scales to 23lb 10oz, my first carp from this lake and I was really proud to have it off the surface and I was buzzing so much I could barely keep back the flurries of laughter and screaming in sheer excitement, the fish had a few trophy shots taken and I got in the margins with her and put her back by hand, over joyed I let out one more battle cry “YYEESSSS!” With my end of the session finished I phoned my dad to let him know the news and I set home in the car on a high, a long overdue fish and it was caught with style, here starts off this year’s run of 20lb carp!
Until Next Time – Keep Catching!