Monday 13 January 2014

Short Day Session Carping

Short Day Session Carping
Finally I managed to squeeze in a quick day session on a local lake to me, I’d put a bit of time in over the summer fishing his specific runs water to allow me to get amongst some fish. I had no less than around 100 fish if not more from this swim and the neighbouring swims on the lake. 

This particular session sees me fishing Chestnut Pool in Langford, a lake I can feel confident that I can come here and easily get a few bites and never risk a blank. I arrived at the lake at 7:15 and got to the lake just before the gates opened, after having a quick chat with Pete I managed to battle across a Somme like bank round the my swim of choice for the day. 
Tips Low to the Water Because of Strong Gusts. 
As I was setting the rods up I clipped one rod up against the island, minutes before I saw a fish show on that exact spot, the rod was straight back out and the rod was away minutes later with the first fish on the session. This admittedly is the first fish I have caught casting to showing fish, but it’s now really difficult on waters like these.

The day drew on and it was decided the nice weather was the calm before the storm which I was presently surprised how correct I was. 
Deadly Hookbaits Either in Solids or Snowman.
The rig I had used – 8” Korda N-Trap Stiff with a piece of silicone tubing trapping the hair onto the shank of the hook which was a Nash Fang Twister, this was finished off with a seven turn knotless knot attaching the snowman presentation quite well. Both of the baits P-Nut Plus bottom bait and the Cream and Toffee popup were cut so there were identical flat points on the baits to make a nicely presented snowman arrangement.

On the other rod was the same presentation until it was decided that I cast around to get some more bites, the next rig was of the same length, 8” of Korda N-Trap Stiff with all of the coating stripped back and I threaded on a home-made off cut pop-up in fluorescent yellow and then added a piece of silicone tubing to again trap the hair on the shank of the hook with a Nash Fang Twister hook then attached with a 7 turn Knotless knot. To pin the popup to the deck I then clamped on a BB shot a few mil under the eye of the hook. This was then finished off with a small mesh bag of 6 Crumbed P-Nut boilies.
Always a Good Sign, The Result of Casting to a Showing Fish.
To achieve some of the bites, I had to become active and to fish the rods static and try roving them around which had proved fruitful as every cast I had made tight to the adjacent island gave another few bites to add to the tally. This is a kick-start into my fishing for the winter and will be found on my next blog on the Luton Angling Clubs Beckerings reservoir. 
More Picture Worthy More Than Welcome This Time of Year.

Happy New Year 

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