Monday 15 July 2013

Velocity Baits Walthamstow Social

This session is one I have been waiting for, for along time now, it is a 48 hour social event for all of the field testers and consultants for team Velocity. I have done a lot of preparation for this session and specially spending the weekend at the venue for the BCAC, so I had a rough idea what I needed to be dong to get myself a couple of bites. 
Some Good Features and a Good Area For Sky Line Markers, Even Though
Being In London It Doesn't Get Dark At All.
After a late finish at work the previous night I set off at 9am in hope to get down to the stow early and have a chat with some of the lads, low and behold my car refused to start. After the top lad from the RAC coming out to get my car running for me I found myself pulling into the gates on the stow buzzing to get the rods out and get fishing. 
By Far My Favourite Baits, Either In Solids, To Stodge The Spod Mix,
or Even In Sticks.
The afternoon before I went to a farm wholesaler and got some particles for my spod mix which consisted of pigeon conditioner and another mix of maize, maples, peas, beans and some other morsels to keep the fish rooting around on the lake bed. Lets just say I got a little bit carried away as it filled a 25kg bucket to the brim . This was split into 2 buckets one hopefully for a mid week session before setting off for my new job in Gran Canaria. 
Look At That For a Spod Mix, Loads of Hook bait Options.
I got down to the meeting point at the lakeside, where there were all of the lads waiting for the peg draw and for Miles and Shane to rock up along with a few of the other testers/consultants.
2 Of The Same Set-up, 3oz Flat Pear Lead and the Avid Bag
Stems With The 3 Inch Rigs Tied Onto The Ring Swivel.
The peg draw was done and I was aware that a peg we labelled as seven on the same bank as long chuck was a good peg, we opted for that area. It was a good choice as there were a hoard of fish basking in the 25+ degrees heat. After having a chat and a bit of a mingle I find myself setting up and putting out some spod mix before casting the rods out. To get the spot rocking, I put out no less that 20 spods of bait followed by 2 solid PVA bags, one just to the left of the right hand tree and the one to the right of the left hand tree if that makes sense? Ha-ha. 
Solid Bags, My Number One Tactic, Deadly If You Ask Me.
No fish came straight away as I had expected but as I had introduced 10 spods of fresh bait, one rod tore off but after a couple of minutes playing it the hook popped out. Not long after, the other rod tore off for another hook pull as the fish turned to power off in the margins.. Gutted isn't the word, no time for getting myself down, 2 more bags went out along with some more spod mix. 
What a Fish, Really Powerful. This Fish Took Me Through Three Separate
Weed Beds and then Weeded Me Up In The Margins, With a Bit of Persuasion
She Was In The Net, The Smile Shows The Relief.
The evening came and the social began, we went off to the pub and had some food before setting back to get the rods out for the night(Walthamstow isn't a night venue this was down to exclusive booking) the swim was topped up before being able to slide the net under a small mirror of 11lb-12lb what a result the pressure of blanking is finally over. The rod went straight back out on the spot and an hour later is where it began to get interesting. I hooked a powerful fish that got into more than 1 weed bed taking a while to finally get in the net, This fish managed to spin the scales to 18lb 12oz. The hook hold showed why she was hanging on so well! Slipping her back into the water but the biggest grin on my face, followed by a big sigh of relief.
The First Mirror of the Session, 11lb-12lb Roughly.
The rods were put back out but the next day the heat had certainly put the fish off having a munch. The rods were reeled in and 10 spods put out to keep the fish there and giving them some free food for the evening before popping out for some grub. I had barely any mix left in the bucket so it was all or nothing. Both rods put back out and the rest of the mix introduced and it didn't take long for another fish to pick up the bait, the others were on a solid bag of mixed dust items i.e. ground nut, coconut, Gremlin Pellet and crushed HD Readies and a 10mm Cream & Toffee Popup as the hook bait. The last fish that I had hooked was on the new Zub-Pnut Plus which smells awesome. 
A Less Complicated Bag Rig The Better, Cream & Toffee Doing
The Damage Along With The ZUB-PNUT Plus.
It came to a stage where I had run out of small ESP bags and put some bigger ones on the spot, but dare I say it? I progressed to lose 2 more fish but hey that's fishing for you!
After waking up and reeling the rods in all the gear was packed down, most of the lads had caught which is good, everyone was buzzing and what a great weekend it was, it was a special weekend spending time with some good anglers who are a credit to Velocity Baits, anglers of all ages and abilities and even seeing something different. I have made some new friends as well as meeting 2 people I have known for a while Shane Alway and Miles Corbett. Team Velocity is definitely one to watch out for in the future. You all know who you are!
The Last Fish of the Trip, What a Result!
This is the last night I do in the country or certainly long session for a couple of months after acquiring a job out in Gran Canaria on Lake Chira which will be an amazing experience, with plenty of sun and big carp, how can you argue with that? Keep an eye out on Facebook where hopefully I get some decent fish and really show something special for a bit of a change. 
Look at the Length, 10mm Cream & Toffee's Doing the Damage, First Session
Using Them, Small Baits Do Catch Big Fish!
Be lucky, thanks for reading, Ross. 

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