Sunday 26 February 2012

Short Session Roach Fishing.

This is only a short one this time, it was the first session where I had a little bit of success managing to get on the bank for something a bit different and to try another method.

                With carp fishing put on the back burner for the time being, I decide to dust off the float road and the feeder rod and head off for some Roach fishing. I set off to the tackle shop first of all to get myself a pint of the best Roach bait... MAGGOTS!
The Tackle I Was Using

                I returned home and loaded the gear into the car and set off for the lake, Coots Corner. As I get through the gates I see that the top lake is crawling with anglers so I lose out on that one. I pull up and unload the gear; I set for the third swim along on the bottom lake as a majority of the pegs are free. The method in question is a light quiver tip, the best method I feel on this lake for singling out the bigger Roach, I tie on a maggot feeder; this is tied on with a single over hand loop so that it is lying free on the bottom. Then I tie on a 5 inch 4lb hook link with a size 16 Guru MWG hook on the end. The feeder is filled to the brim with maggots to ensure a good liberal feed spread on the bottom.
                The rod is cast to the left of my swim a few times; I decide to set up the float rod to see if this could bring a bite. As I'm setting up the float rod I get a nice wrap round, I strike into a nice 1lb 8oz Roach this puts a nice grin on my face at a roach like that is a great start for me!
Nice 1lb 8oz Roach on the Feeder.

             With a good start to the session, I started off a little and often baiting strategy, catapulting a few maggots over the top of the feeder, this seems to bring a few more nice sized Roach, the action seemed to have slowed down a little bit. The float rod never managed to come into play with no fish on it, so I bring in the feeder rod for another appearance this was good as I managed to bank 3 more Roach losing one, there are good decent sized Roach in this lake, they seemed to have grown in leaps and bounds since I fished it in my early days of fishing.

The Drawing of the Set-up.
                Its days like this one that draws me into fishing, I love catching these thriving smaller species, the lovely small silver flash through the water brings it back, the fish put up a lovely fight on the light rod that I was using. This is a good way to fish for these Roach; they see a waggler float on a day to day basis, so the maggot feeder is a great way to catch them.
                 Using a little and often approach with the maggots seems to have brought the fish in quicker than waiting for the feed to release from the feeder, as much as I give out banter about float and feeder fishing, I love it!
This is the end of the short blog for this session, I'll be at the Carpin' On show with college next weekend, and then out the following weekend, in hope that the nicer weather has kicked the fish into touch, hopefully banking some nice carp.
Until Next time, tight lines and Keep Catching!
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